Thursday, February 12, 2009

I have news...

Dr. Fiore came back from his trip today. HOORAY! After talking with him this morning he thinks that we should get to 34 weeks and be happy with it so if the OR schedule allows we will be having a baby on Friday the 20th. I am having an ultrasound today to see how big he is. Once I get a time for the surgery I will be sure to post an update. Until then, you know where to find me :)


Kylissa said...

Best wishes with your upcoming delivery. I see you have really had a time with this one. I hope everything goes well.

Kim said...

Wow - he's finally going to be here!!!!!

Do you get to go home in the meantime or are you stuck at HH?

Alyse said...

I am stuck here for the duration since I am still contracting occasioinally. It stinks but at least I am close to help if needed.